Climate action

Our purpose is to connect New Zealanders to each other and the world, but as part of an industry reliant on fossil fuels, this comes at a cost to both the environment and the communities who rely on it.

Aotearoa New Zealand relies on aviation for trade, tourism and connectivity. However, both our airline and the sector overall will face climate-related risks as we transition to a lower-emissions operating model.

Climate Statement

In 2024, Air New Zealand published its first Climate Statement, as required by the Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standards (NZ CS). The 2024 Climate Statement is structured around the four mandatory sections of the NZ CS, which are based on the recommendations of the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework that Air New Zealand has voluntarily reported against since the 2020 financial year.

Steps we're taking towards our target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050

  • Alternative jet fuel
  • Next generation aircraft technology
  • Continued fleet renewal
  • Operational carbon efficiency
  • Carbon removal solutions

You can find out more in our 2024 Climate Statement.

Note: In July 2024, Air New Zealand removed its 2030 science-based carbon intensity reduction target and withdrew from the Science Based Targets initiative. Work has begun to consider a new near-term carbon emissions reduction target that could better reflect the challenges relating to aircraft and alternative jet fuel availability within the industry.